Nurses and Midwives for Inclusion Health
Partnership in Practice
Statement of Solidarity & Support for Nurses and Healthcare Professionals in War & Conflict areas.
As nurses and midwives, we cannot help but feel a sense of sadness and shock at witnessing the level of destruction experienced in people’s lives in the current global conflict areas. Please read our statement in solidarity with our colleagues in conflict.
NMIH 2024
Statement of Solidarity & Support for Nurses and Healthcare Professionals in War & Conflict areas.
As nurses and midwives, we cannot help but feel a sense of sadness and shock at witnessing the level of destruction experienced in people’s lives in the current global conflict areas.
Through our work nurses are informed by our own humanity and guided by professional codes of ethics. Nurses offer care and concern for people’s wellbeing that can ease conflict, bridge peace, bring people together and build positive human relationships.
The World Health Organisation’s Constitution states explicitly that the health of all peoples is fundamental to the attainment of peace and security and is dependent upon the fullest co-operation of individuals and States.
The Nursing and Midwifery Inclusion Health Forum (NMIH) www.nursesandmidwivesforinclusionhealth.com join the International Council of Nurses (ICN) in offering solidarity and support to our nursing, midwifery and health care colleagues living and working in conflict and war-torn areas. www.icn.ch/news
ICN speaks for nurses around the world when it condemns terrorism and violence. The humanitarian crisis that is unfolding affects all people in the region, and nurses, their patients and their colleagues will continue to be in harm’s way until a peace process is initiated.
The NMIH supports the ICN demands, that obligations under international humanitarian laws, which are designed to protect health care facilities and services, are observed at all times. ICN condemns sexual violence and all attacks that have been perpetrated against innocent people, in particular mothers and children. Corridors for the safe passage of the displaced must be established, and health care facilities must be given access to the fundamental services they require, including power, water and medical supplies.
We ask that Nurses and Midwives in Ireland keep themselves up to date with developments and information on pathways to peace and that nurses continue to advocate and lobby for our colleagues living and working in conflict war areas. Nurses and Midwives can access information on our professional obligations in the provision of care to Migrants, Refugees and Displaced People who arrive in Ireland seeking international protection https://www.icn.ch/news/international-council-nurses-highlights-vital-role-nurses-care-and-wellbeing-refugees-and
Our Aims: Partnership in Practice
To develop and share excellence in nursing and midwifery inclusion health
To support practitioners in professional and practice development, education and research
About us
Nurses and Midwives for Inclusion Health: Partnership in Practice is a professional interest group of nurse and midwife practitioners working in contexts where access to/uptake of health services is limited as a result of marginalisation, discrimination or lack of awareness.
Examples of these practice areas include: homeless health, migrant/refugee health, Traveller health, mental health, disability health, forensic and prisoner health, addiction health, sexual health.
The aims of NMIH are to share and develop excellence in nursing and midwifery inclusion health and to support practitioners in professional and practice development, education and research.
“Inclusion health aims to prevent and redress the harms of extreme inequity among the most vulnerable and excluded populations, through advocacy, policy, research, education, practice and service provision”
—Luchenski et al., 2017